TEL: 048-585-2521(代表)
FAX: 048-585-2523(代表) |
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◆About Us◆
We study on the mechanism and evaluation of tribology (friction and wear) phenomena, the technology for micro machining, and the monitoring of machining state.

We also work aggressively on various researches that cooperated with another university, the research institute, and the privately-owned company.
I want to bring up top-class personnel through our research (graduation study, joint research and funded research), and to contribute to the society.
Please contact us if you want to apply for a joint research or are interested in our researches.
Our main research projects are the following:
[Theme I] Study on Recognition and Evaluation of Friction and Wear Phenomena using
Acoustic Emission Method |
The relationship between the AE signal measured under tribology phenomena
and the state on the frictional interface is investigated in order to establish
the quantitative evaluation method of tribology characteristics (wear amount
and surface damage, etc.) using an AE method.
[Theme II] Study on Application of Acoustic Emission Method to Monitoring of Machining Process |
The relationship between the machining state and the AE signal measured at machine work is investigated for applying an AE method to the monitoring of machining state (including the evaluation of tool life).
[Theme III] Elucidation of Wear Mechanism |
The experimental investigation from microscale to macroscale is conducted in order to achieve the establishment of the theory of wear, from the generation of the elemental debris of wear particles (wear elements) to the formation process of the wear particle.
[Theme IV] Investigation on Tribo-Magnetization Mechanism |
Spontaneous magnetization (tribo-magnetization) mechanism on the friction surface caused by rubbing of the ferromagnetic material is investigated.
[Theme V] Diagnosis and Estimation of Friction and Wear Phenomena in Real Machinery |
The evaluation of tribology characteristics (wear mechanism, wear mode
diagnosis, wear particle form recognition, and life prediction, etc.) on
the real machinery operated under various sliding conditions (e.g. bearings,
automobile brake, engine parts, and pantograph collector) is performed.
◆Profile (CV)◆

research map(details)
◇Experience and Education◇
Internship at Wasino Co. for a month (July 2001)
On-the-Job Training at Hadano Vocational School for a month (July 2003)
Bachelor of Engineering from Polytechnic University, Japan (March 2004)
On-the-Job Training at Kanagawa Industrial and Technical Junior College for a month (July 2005)
Master of Engineering from Polytechnic University, Japan (March 2006)
Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science at Chiba
University, Japan (April 2008)
Doctor of Engineering from Chiba University, Japan (March 2009)
Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Saitama Institute of Technology, Japan (April 2009)
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Saitama Institute of Technology, Japan (April 2018)
◇Specialized Field◇
Tribology, Acoustic Emission (AE), Precision Machining, Science Education
◇Affiliated Academic Society◇
The Japanese Society of Mechanical Engineers (Japan), The Japanese Society
for Precision Engineering (Japan), Japanese Society of Tribologist (Japan),
The Japan Society of Applied Physics (Japan), Society of Automotive Engineers
(Japan), The Japanese Society for Non-Destructive Inspection (Japan), The
Ceramic Society of Japan (Japan), The Surface Finishing Society of Japan
(Japan), Japan Society of Science Education (Japan), Society of Japan Science
Teaching (Japan), Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (USA)
2004-2009 JSPE Student Editors Comittee
2009- JSPE Editors Comittee
2009- Competition Management of Japan Skills Competition (Construction
Metal Works)
2009- JAST Executive Committee of Tribology Conference
2009- JAST Public Relations and Informationalization Comittee
2010- JSME Trustee of Saitama Branch in Kanto
2010- JAST Editors Comittee
2010- JAST Research Council Comittee
2010- JSPE Micro Manufacturing System Technical Comittee
2011- JSME Trustee of Machine Design & Tribology Division
2019- Guest Editor for the Special Issue "Acoustic Emission Techniques
in Wear Monitoring", Lubricants
Minister of the Environment's 2019 Commendation for Global Warming Prevention
Activity (2019, Japan)
JSME Kanto Branch Contribution Award (2019, Japan)
Ministry of the Environment COOL CHOICE Leaders Award 2018 (2019, Japan)
JSME Education Award (2017, Japan)
IIIAE Outstanding Oral Presentation Award (2016, Japan)
ITC Tokyo 2015 Excellent Paper Award (2016, Japan)
MITC 2015 Young Tribologist Award (2015, Malaysia)
ITC Tokyo 2015 Poster Award for Young Tribologists (2015, Japan)
JSPE Best Presentation Award (2014, Japan)
JSME Encouragement Award on Research (2013, Japan)
Best Prize for Global Science and Technology Journal Award (2013, Australia)
ICMDT Best Paper Award (2013, Korea)
JAST Tribology Online Best Paper Award (2011, Japan)
IIIAE Outstanding Oral Presentation Award (2016, Japan)
ITC Tokyo 2015 Excellent Paper Award (2016, Japan)
MITC 2015 Young Tribologist Award (2015, Malaysia)
ITC Tokyo 2015 Poster Award for Young Tribologists (2015, Japan)
JSPE Best Presentation Award (2014, Japan)
JSME Encouragement Award on Research (2013, Japan)
Best Prize for Global Science and Technology Journal Award (2013, Australia)
ICMDT Best Paper Award (2013, Korea)
JAST Tribology Online Best Paper Award (2011, Japan)
JSME Education Award (2017, Japan)
IIIAE Outstanding Oral Presentation Award (2016, Japan)
ITC Tokyo 2015 Excellent Paper Award (2016, Japan)
MITC 2015 Young Tribologist Award (2015, Malaysia)
ITC Tokyo 2015 Poster Award for Young Tribologists (2015, Japan)
JSPE Best Presentation Award (2014, Japan)
JSME Encouragement Award on Research (2013, Japan)
Best Prize for Global Science and Technology Journal Award (2013, Australia)
ICMDT Best Paper Award (2013, Korea)
JAST Tribology Online Best Paper Award (2011, Japan)
JSAE Best Poster Award (2010, Japan)
JSNDI Best Presentation Award (2010, Japan) JSPE Best Article Award (2009, Japan) Alumni Association Award at Chiba University (2009, Japan)
JSPE Best Article Award (2008, Japan) JSPE Best Article Award (2007, Japan)
JAST Student Encouraging Prize in Tribology Research (2007, Japan)
JSPE Best Article Award (2006, Japan)
JSPE Best Article Award (2005, Japan)
Alumni Association Award at Polytechnic University (2004, Japan)
- Hobbies:
- Watching Musical, Listening to Music, Cooking, and Japanese Chess
- Travel Experience:
- Australia, England, France, Switzerland, Germany, China (Beijing, Shanghai,
Taipei), Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnum, Philippines, India, Morroco,
Korea, Norway, Denmark, Austria, Italy, Netherlands, Canada, USA (Los Angeles,
San Francisco, Hawaii)
◇Where to Make Contact◇
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Saitama Institute of Technology
1690 Fusaiji, Fukaya-shi, Saitama 369-0293, Japan
TEL: +81-48-585-6827 (direct), FAX: +81-48-585-6717 (secretariat)
Mail: alan_hase-at-sit.ac.jp
(Please change "-at-" to "@".)